La Belle Époque
The Industrial Revolution brings forth inventions in the fields of technology, energy, medicine and food. With electricity and the advent of automobiles, a period of unprecedented wellbeing arrives.
Barzanò opens his office in Milan
Zanardo & Co. open his office in Rome
The merger of Barzanò & Zanardo takes place in Rome, joining the country with our services.
The Roaring Twenties
In the period between the two world wars, the desire to leave such a traumatic experience behind leads to a feverish period of innovation and upswing in consumption. With this carefree feeling in the air, great creative energy returns, allowing us to play a major role.
From 1923 to 1939
Barzanò & Zanardo registers trademarks that have become historic in the food, beverage, household and automotive industries.
The Economic Miracle
Italy’s period of post-war rebuilding introduces new products in technology and design to Italian homes. The creativity of Italian entrepreneurs has no limits. Nor does our support for their innovations.
From 1945 to 1960
Barzanò & Zanardo protects important innovations for our revived industries and brings the most famous brands in household goods, food, beverage and design to Italian homes.https://barzano-zanardo.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=815&action=edit&lang=en&update_needed=1&trid=20&language_code=en#
The Space Age
A period of great revolutions and uncertainties begins. After the enthusiasm of the moon landing, the energy crisis poses new challenges for entrepreneurs, who face them side by side with us.
Transport Sector: Italy begins registering industrial designs with Barzanò & Zanardo.
Patents filed by Barzanò & Zanardo play a major role in the space race.
The Turin office opens: Barzanò & Zanardo consolidates its collaboration with the Italian automotive industry.
The Global Economy
With the tearing down of walls and erasing of old borders, new markets are opened to explore and new business opportunities emerge. Those who know how to innovate are more competitive. Our strength: to be flexible like the markets.
Barzanò & Zanardo files important patents in the energy sector.
With the opening of the Biella, Vicenza and Rimini offices, Barzanò & Zanardo offers widespread availability to companies that want to embrace global markets.
The Digital Age
The world digitizes itself. Many inventions, which until recently were pure science fiction, become reality. Business is increasingly online. Between social media, social networks, e-commerce, apps and smartphones, companies find themselves operating in a field that is growing at an incredible rate and full of opportunities.
The world market for software and applications is close to 400 billion dollars.
Start ups: in Silicon Valley alone there are 25 that are worth over 1 billion dollars.
– The Pordenone office opens: Barzanò & Zanardo are increasingly present in the Italian textile industry.
Barzanò & Zanardo creates the Brand Protection Department to offer an integrated approach to protection solutions and help companies respond to the challenges of the global economy