IP Litigation

Professionalism and expertise at your service for effective and complete assistance in the judicial process.

Increasingly complex business relationships may lead to obstacles that cannot always be resolved out of court. The disagreements then become judicial disputes that must be addressed with the utmost professionalism, preparation and experience.

Relying on skilled lawyers is therefore of primary importance in the protection of one’s own affairs, especially in the specialized field of industrial law, which is peculiar from both a substantive and procedural point of view.

Our Strength: Timeliness, Preparation, Experience, Efficiency

The protection of your intellectual property starts, chiefly, from prevention. The law puts at your disposal a wide range of judicial instruments: from ordinary judgements to precautionary appeals to obtain emergency measures such as injunctions, penalties or seizures.

Thanks to in-depth knowledge of the procedures and the changing jurisprudential guidelines, Barzanò & Zanardo is ready to support you with a qualified team of lawyers and technical consultants providing you with careful, targeted and decisive legal advice. Our experts are distinguished by their pragmatic approach to your problem and for their ability to grasp and therefore protect the economic and commercial aspects that are subject to the legal issue. Add to this, solid experience in litigation in Italy and Europe: we have represented Italian and multinational companies, research centers, universities, inventors, designers and artists.

Solid expertise and decades of experience allow our lawyers to assist you in any judicial process that is necessary or appropriate in order to defend your rights.


Giulia Beltrame

With passion and dedication, I provide legal assistance and consultancy in the field of industrial property, in addition to matters of unfair competition, copyright, and privacy.

Francesco Celluprica

My academic background and professional experience allow me to evaluate, along with the legal issues, the economic and commercial aspects of each individual case.

Corinne Cinelli

From the beginning, my academic career had an international influence and gave me the opportunity to thoroughly study foreign legal systems.

Fabia De Bono

The experience I have gained in various fields allows me to offer advice in several sectors and to manage the legal and commercial affairs of the client with a multidisciplinary approach.

Fabio Fischetti

Thanks to my specialization and the various perspectives provided by my team, I am able to create tailor-made strategies.

Andrea Mascetti

I advise and manage cases covering all sectors of industrial property law, unfair competition law, copyright and privacy.

Silvia Mosca

“The experience gained in the field of industrial and intellectual property together with a deep knowledge of contracts make me capable to provide clients with a focused support and a problem-solving approach, both in judicial and out-of-court matters”.

Giuseppe Giovanni Pagliara

The mastery of criminal law, and its application in European and International procedures, allows me to identify, with extreme precision, the correct legal characterization of the facts, and offer targeted assistance to get to the heart of the specific problem.

News & Insights

A turning point for the producers of wheel rims’ copies. Daimler wins against Acacia.

According to Art. 110 “…protection as a Community design shall not exist for a design which constitutes a component part of a complex product…for the purpose of the repair of that complex product so as to restore its original appearance.”. The aforementioned clause aims to avoid a situation of monopolistic behaviour by stimulating the competition […]

PATENTS IN UNIVERSITIES AND PUBLIC RESEARCH INSTITUTES: Article 65 of the Italian Industrial Property Code

In this context, the lack of promotion of the developed technologies gradually gave rise to an economic disadvantage for these institutions. And, even more dramatically, nowadays such attitude constitutes an obstacle for the growth and development of the whole country. In 2001, the Italian government launched a special regulation aiming at promoting the protection of […]

Barzanò & Zanardo celebrates its 140 Anniversary


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