Rome headquarters, established in 1880, is located today in the middle of the district called “Sallustiano”, opposite to the Servian Wall’s ruins and not far from the majestic Horti Sallustiani, that used to be a temporary residence for many Roman emperors and hosting today the national seat of Unioncamere, among buildings and houses of remarkable architectural value, dating back to the end of 19th and the beginning of 20th century.
It is just a few steps away from the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM), letting us keep effective institutional contacts and fruitful collaborations.
Rome’s branch is composed of several experts in patents, trademarks, industrial designs and designations of origin, lawyers specialized in litigation and contracts, economic evaluation and Patent Box, anti-counterfeiting, customs seizure procedures and due diligence.
Stop in Rome and admire and acknowledge that the Empire of the world has the highest king
(Ahmned Shawky)