Carlo Luigi Iannone


For over 35 years I have been working in the field of Industrial Property, with a focus on patents and designs, their national and international protection, as well as the management of talks and negotiations with third parties.

I joined Barzanò & Zanardo just after graduating, and after having headed the offices of Rome, Rimini and Vicenza for nearly 15 years, I am now leading the Milan office, all the while maintaining and providing advice for industrial property.

I am a mechanical engineer and have been teaching Industrial Property at ISIA (University Institute for Industrial Design) of Rome for over 20 years. I have held seminars on the subject at various universities, including those in Rome, La Sapienza and Tor Vergata, Messina, Ferrara, l’Aquila and Perugia, as well as numerous Chambers of Commerce and Industrial Unions.

I have been coordinator of the ICE Master’s Degree in Intellectual Property Protection, and a lecturer for the second level Master’s Degree in International Business Law at the Faculty of Economics and Commerce in Rome.

Over the years I have been witness to numerous inventions, in different fields and from different points of view. Because of this, today I am able to move between the legal and the technological fields with ease.

Thanks to my experience in legal litigation in Italy, as well as internationally, and to the management of negotiations for the assignment/licensing of intellectual property rights, not to mention my constant efforts to stay up to date on all pertinent developments, I help clients take decisions quickly, always finding the most effective solutions.

My experience in the field of designs has broadened following the creation of the Regulation on Community Design.

I am a qualified attorney in Industrial Property (Patents and Trademarks), European Patent Attorney and European Union Trademark Attorney. I am also a member of INTA, AIPPI, ECTA, and FICPI.

In 2010, I was elected member of the Board of Industrial Property Consultants and confirmed in the following two elections.

Admitted to represent parties before the Unified Patent Court.


Trademark Protection
Legal Consultancy
Know How
Damage Quantifying
  • 2023

    Admitted as European Patent Litigator

  • 2018

    Managing Director of Barzanò & Zanardo Milan

  • 2010

    Member of Board of Industrial Property Consultants

  • 2008

    CEIPI Diploma

  • 2002

    Managing Director of Barzanò & Zanardo Rome

  • 1996

    Appointed as representative in field of community trademarks and designs

  • 1993

    Member of Community Design Committee (ECTA)

  • 1988

    European Patent Attorney

  • 1986

    Licensed as Italian Patent and Trademark Attorney

  • 1983

    Licensed as engineer

  • 1982

    Joined the team of Barzanò & Zanardo

  • 1982

    Degree in Mechanical Engineering


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