Since 1984 I have dealt with patents in the fields of industrial chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry and mechanics, particularly in relation to medical devices. Combining an educational background in the humanities with my technical and analytical skills, I am able to grasp and fully appreciate the innovative and characteristic aspects of a new product or invention and present them in the manner most suited for attaining protection rights.
My activities have evolved hand in hand with those of the European Patent Office. This fact has allowed me to follow this institution, almost from its earliest years, on its formative journey. Likewise, I have assisted with the internationalization of industrial groups and individual Italian inventors in the face of opening European and international markets, helping them to achieve secure and protected growth through the attainment of valid industrial property rights.
I am an industrial property attorney licensed at the Italian Patent and Trademark Office; licensed attorney at the European Patent Office; accredited representative for the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Designs and Models and Community Trademarks; member with the Register of Industrial Property Consultants of the Republic of San Marino; obtained the CEIPI university diploma “Patent Litigation in Europe” updated with the course “Agreement on the UPC and the UPC Rules of Procedures” at the Université Robert Schuman in Strasbourg.
I have taught numerous seminars and courses on industrial property, mostly at the university level, and carried out CTU activities in industrial property in various civil courts; I am a member of AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property) and a member of the Italian Board of Industrial Property Consultants (FICPI).
Admitted to represent parties before the Unified Patent Court.