Throughout the various stages of my career I have encountered increasingly complex and demanding problems, however, I’ve never sacrificed the perspectives and ideas that are of a technical and procedural nature. I believe this is the foundation for any strategy planned and agreed upon with the client.

In the course of my professional career thus far, I have dealt with individuals as well as companies both large and small, at times having to calibrate the best service and assistance I could render, while bearing in mind the economic capacity of the company or individual assisted.

I keep all of this in mind when evaluating the strategies with the client. I am sensitive to their expressed needs yet at the same time I take into consideration reasonable, cost containment without surrendering fast, effective, professional assistance.

It is important to me, as a professional, that my clients can evaluate and comprehend the significance of protecting their rights and interests.


Trademark Protection
Legal Consultancy
  • 2008

    Joined the team of Barzanò & Zanardo

  • 2000

    Italian and European Trademark Attorney

  • 1990

    Degree in Jurisprudence at Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan


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