Anti-Counterfeiting Report: Publication of the 2022-2023 Report

The General Directorate for the protection of Industrial Property (DGPI) of the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM), in collaboration with the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy and the National Agency for Inward Investment and Economic Development, Invitalia, has published the Report on anti-counterfeiting policies for the years 2022-2023.

This report provides an in-depth analysis of the counterfeit market, drawing on data from the Agency of Excise Duties, ADM and the Guardia di Finanza (GDF) regarding products seized between 2008 and 2022. Notably, the counterfeit items confiscated in Italy primarily consist of clothing, footwear, and accessory items.

According to the IPERICO database (Intellectual Property Elaborated Report of the Investigation on Counterfeiting, ), the statistics for 2022 reveal the following:

5.816 seizures of clothing, with a total estimated value of €6,5 million for 1.268 seized items;

1.793 seizures of footwear, with a total estimated value of €2 million;

3.718 seizures of clothing accessories, valued at approximately €15 million;

854 seizures of electronic and computer equipment totalling around €14,8 million;

386 seizures of perfumes and cosmetics, amounting to an estimated €9,2 million;

747 seizures of jewellery and watches, with a total estimated value of €6,1 million;

313 seizures of 4.864 toys and games, with a combined estimated value nearing €2,4 million;

621 seizures of glasses, valued at nearly €266.000.

While these figures do not encompass data from specialized Industrial Property courts regarding seizures and injunctions arising from corporate disputes, they clearly indicate that counterfeiting significantly impacts key sectors of the Italian economy, underscoring the critical need for robust protections.

Effective protection can be enhanced through increased awareness of the issue, targeting young people and educational institutions, as well as through improved product safeguards initiated by businesses.

On the awareness front, the report outlines the information and training initiatives conducted during the 2022-2023 period, highlighting numerous programs organized mainly by the Guardia di Finanza in partnership with schools. These initiatives aimed to educate young people about the dangers of counterfeiting, including its implications for job security and the health risks posed to consumers and workers alike.

Regarding protective measures, a dedicated anti-counterfeiting hotline has been established, reporting that, since 2022, 90% of claims related to alleged violations of industrial property rights have originated from online activity. The regions generating the highest number of reports include Lombardy, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Sicily, Lazio, and Tuscany.

In conclusion, the report strongly encourages companies to engage industrial property consultants to ensure effective protection for their products.

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