Angelica Lodigiani


I make my extensive international experience available to companies in all activities related to the protection of trademarks, domain names and geographical indications.

Over the past 20 years of work dedicated to intellectual property, I have gained considerable experience in the sector, assisting multinationals, companies, foundations, associations, law firms, advertising agencies, and individuals, both in Italy and abroad, with their various issues related to the protection of distinctive marks, especially regarding trademarks, domain names and geographical indications.

The principle activities that I deal with, both at the national and international level are as follows: the study and development of filing strategies, prior art searches, work related to the granting of the post-filing trademark, surveillance services, legal opinions on possible conflicts, opposition and cancellation procedures, anti-counterfeiting activities such as the presentation of customs blocking applications, extra-judicial measures aimed at bringing to an end any wrongdoing by third parties or defending the rights of my clients, drafting and negotiation of coexistence agreements, licensing agreements, franchises, divestiture, distribution, and agency. In addition, I have gained considerable knowledge in the field of domain names, both in reference to their registration, and in terms of procedures aimed at resolving disputes between trademarks and domain names (UDRP and ADR reassignment procedures) and in the sector of geographical indications.

My working languages, along with Italian, include English and French, and I assist many companies in various sectors.

I am a lawyer admitted to the Rome Bar Association and licensed attorney with the EUIPO. I am a member of INTA and ECTA, as well as the International Chamber of Commerce. I am also an arbitrator at WIPO for domain name disputes (UDRP), arbitrator of the Czech Arbitration Chamber for domain names disputes (UDRP and ADR for “. EU” domains) and arbitrator of MFSD for disputes concerning domain names “. IT”. Furthermore, I am a member of the ECTA Council, member of the ECTA Commission on Geographical Indications, auditor appointed by EUIPO for the review of decisions made by the office relating to the absolute requisites for registrability of trademarks. Previously, I was a member of the ECTA Commission on the Internet, a member of the INTA Commission on Community Trademarks and on the subject of Amicus brief curiae.




Trademark Protection
Domain Names
Geographical Indications
Legal Consultancy
  • 2018

    Became EUIPO accredited auditor in review of decisions on absolute registration requirements

  • 2017

    Became MFSD arbitrator for disputes of domain names .IT

  • 2007

    Joined the team of the Barzanò & Zanardo

  • 2006

    Became arbitrator of the Czech Arbitration Chamber for domain name disputes

  • 2001

    Became an WIPO arbitrator for domain name disputes

  • 2000

    Member of the Board of Intellectual Property Consultants, sec. trademarks

  • 1994

    Admitted to the Bar Association of Rome


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