The professional experience I have gained as a lawyer, along with that as a trademark attorney, allows me to provide advice and solutions for an extensive range of legal areas.

I specialize in industrial law, with particular focus on trademarks, domain names, competition and antitrust, contracts, copyright, community, commercial and civil law, and protection of PDO, DOC, PGI. In addition, I deal with the protection of intellectual property in the food, wine and beverage sector.

I have acted as an organizer, coordinator and moderator for many conferences, which has introduced me to various professional contexts and led to valuable collaborations.



Trademark Protection
Geographical Indications
Legal Consultancy
  • 2017

    Became manager of a professional team

  • 2015

    Assisted leading Italian and international companies in the food, wine and beverage sector

  • 2015

    Became an organizer and moderator of a series of conferences in collaboration with the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies

  • 2004

    Enrolled in the Register of Industrial Property Consultants

  • 2004

    Enrolled in the Register of European Consultants of Trademarks and Drawings

  • 2004

    Admitted to the Bar Association of Rome

  • 2004

    Joined the team of Barzanò & Zanardo

  • 2003

    Second Level University Master’s in Electronic Law and Commerce, at the LUMSA University (Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta) of Rome; thesis entitled "Domain Names: Legal Qualification and Assignment Rules"

  • 2003

    International Civil Procedure course, at the Accademia Forense Romana

  • 2001

    Specialization course on "Markenrecht und Urheberrecht" (copyright and trademark law) in Germany at DAI (Deutsches Anwaltsinstitut e.V.) in Berlin

  • 2000

    Degree in Jurisprudence; thesis in industrial law entitled "Look-alikes, Ausstattung, presentation of products and unfair competition"

  • 1999

    Course of Legal German ("German for foreign jurists") at Goethe Institute of Bonn

  • 1996

    Course of IT Legal Administration at LUMSA University (Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta) of Rome

  • 1980

    German School of Rome


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