Patent Box

We help you take advantage of corporation tax breaks for your innovations and works of ingenuity.

If your business generates income from its intangible assets it could benefit from advantageous tax breaks established by “Patent Box” regime.

We help you prepare the necessary documentation and support your tax consultants in the activities of ruling achieving “Patent Box” benefit at the Italian Tax Office.

We have developed in-depth knowledge of Italian and foreign legislation and we provide assistance on the determination of transfer prices and the income contribution of intangible assets.


Fausto Colella

I have years of experience in the management of multinational groups.

Andrea Tiburzi

Patent consultant with training in management control and financial analysis.

Alfredo Zanardo

An in-depth understanding of Barzanò & Zanardo, built on strong foundations. My nineteen-year journey has placed me at the head of this great team of professionals, whom I am proud to have helped create.

News & Insights

B&Z has obtained the Certification for Gender Equality

In the ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) context, B&Z has set the goal for 2023 to achieve Mission No. 5 introduced in relation to the measures provided by the Italian PNRR: Achieve gender equality and self-determination for all women and girls. The UNI/PdR 125:2022 Gender Equality Certification is the tool implemented by the Italian Government through […]

IP rights recordals

In our system, except for some specific cases, recordals have a declaratory effect rather than a constitutive one; this means that failure to record doesn’t affect the validity of the recordal’s object, but a successful recordal has the purpose to make such act enforceable against third parties, settling possible conflicts among many subjects interested in the […]

A further step Italy takes towards the complete realization of the EU Directive 2015/2436 about the adjustment of member countries’ trademarks regulations

The Legislative Decree n. 15/2019 will become effective on March 23rd and entails important amendments to the current Industrial Property Code. This represents another fundamental step forward towards an Italian legislation regarding trademarks, also harmonized with the other EU countries. After the Legislative Decree n. 30/2005, which reformed the whole matter of industrial property with […]


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