Our mission is to support our clients in the best possible way by promoting and favoring technological innovation of companies and therefore of the society we live, work and grow in.
In B&Z we strongly believe in a responsible innovation. Regardless of the field or the corporate size, protect the world where we thrive is a task for everyone.
However, protecting also means actively striving in order to make a change.
The initiative “Seeding Innovation” starts from these premises.
Two hundred fruit trees will bring forth Barzanò & Zanardo’s Forest. Orange, cashew, cacao and coffee trees will be planted in Haiti within May 2020, contributing to absorb about 25 tons of CO2 (enough to fill in 126 lorries!) throughout their lifetime, as well as generating oxygen and protecting our planet’s biodiversity.
This project will not only have a positive impact on our planet’s health, but it will also help local people in a practical way. Indeed, Haitian farmers will benefit from this important project as the harvest will be completely at their disposal, representing an alternative income to that coming from the careless wood cutting and trade which is particularly widespread on the island today.
The founding principles of this collaboration between Barzanò & Zanardo and Treedom®
are the environmental awareness and the wish to build up something lasting and regenerating over time. We truly believe in the value of providing our contribution and support to a sustainable development for the future.
To launch this project, Barzanò & Zanardo chose to get its partners and clients involved in the framework of INTA® 2019, the most important International Convention about trademarks.
Indeed, each of them will receive a special gift and a unique symbol. They will be given a card with a personal code allowing them to plant a fruit tree and watch it grow from afar, thus becoming an essential part of the project and contributing to the development of Barzanò & Zanardo’s Forest in Haiti.
Green, by the way, has always been our corporate color: B&Z greens the planet!
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn to find out more initiatives: #SeedingInnovation and #BZGreensThePlanet.